Good Morning to everyone that is reading this. No matter where you are, I hope my voice can be read through this blog to many people. For my blogs to you viewers, I will bring in a topic of discussion. I will type about what the topic is about, feelings from both pro and con side of the topic. Trying my best to not be political or hostile. I will write an article every week for the next 11-12 weeks, and I am excited to do it! Most important, hearing your comments about the topic can help with a discussion in the comments. The comment section should be a place of safety, a place for people to find relatable people through experiences, and place to find new perspectives of other peoples families. Please no comments that belittle others for their opinions or families, no name calling. If any arguments arise, PLEASE handle arguments with respect to other people, this isn't twitter, it's a blog. Being able to talk about this kind of information is something that we all should be grateful for. Thank you so much for reading, you all enjoy the ride!
Value of Family
What is the real definition of the family? What does family have to be considered a family? Why are families valuable? Are families becoming less valuable in today's world? What value does family have in my life personally? Let these questions sink in for minute.
The family has been on the earth for a very long time, can be remembered as long man & woman have been on the earth. But the family has become less important in recent history. Families have been torn from divorce, widowed/widower, abandonment, and many more. Dating is becoming a uncommon experience, rather to hook up with each other. Many couples are choosing not to get married, more are deciding to hold it off and focus more on career in life. Couples are not having kids, rather focusing on other priorities in the life. Kids are becoming fatherless. What is the value?
The value that families offer is security, hope, nourishment, retreatment, and comfort at times. In my opinion, family is within the blood. But love of someone as a family member is thicker than blood. No matter the situation that someone is in with family. Everyone should have a family member or family friend to receive that care, that only family can provide. Family is what keeps countries flowing with economy, culture, work, and care. Without the love of a family, it would not be present in one's life because we would not understand how it would have felt in the first place. Someone had loved you before you were even born, that is where it starts. Our job to utilize it for better or worse.
Truth- a fact or belief that is accepted as true; that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality; the quality or state of what is true.
The truth can come in all kinds of shapes and sizes in today's world. But sometimes truth can be swayed, and we will not able to recognized it until it is too late. How does truth relate to the family? Studies have shown that statistics or flawed counting systems have been showing that the family is defined in ways that should not make it defined. More of incorrect researchers putting in a flawed ingredient to make the family look vulnerable or less capable of working. What I am taking about for example is an an article called the APA. Countless studies and research into families of heterosexual, gay, lesbian, divorced, single parent, blended, and foster that came out to not be correct. (If you want to look at the article it is linked below in the work cited). Talking about cases of measuring families if being safe, care, psychology, and outcome of children. The article goes after same-sex married couples, single parent families, the attitudes of parents when teaching the kids. But the article fails to give factual evidence of long-term affects of these situations. This happens because of convenience, the researches analyzing people that they would know. Researches would not have a diversity of people to use for the research, directly for one certain group of people. Truth can be mistaken for many characteristics. How do I know then it is the truth? Experience, thorough research, and understanding the personal background of these families.
Work Cited
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