Feelings, Build up, and the Science

 Thank you to everyone reading and giving my blogs a chance. Sometimes I feel like these blogs don't make sense all the time, so thank you for being patient with me. I hope everyone is enjoying life, life is too short to not have fun. 

This week I want to go into a topic that most people do not talk about, if they do it is in a small personal circle. Sorry if you feel uncomfortable with the topic that I will be talking about, if anything offends you. I am sorry I will try to give the best informed and reliable information without stepping on people's toes or getting uncomfortable. But this topic is on physical intimacy or in other terms sex.  Going over the feelings, lead up, and sciences of what our brain experiences and the chemicals that are released. Hope you all enjoy!

There is a build up to sex. It must be exciting and enjoyable, without those two ingredients then it will end up being unsatisfying or disconnecting. Couples have to put each as a priority, to give meaningful time together. By so doing this it will build the relationship and connection between the two. An individual in a relationship wants to feel safe, close, and warm and want to feel it from their spouses. Taking the time to help them to feel comfortable. If not giving any form of comfort from another individual then a feeling of disconnection can come. Sex will become stale because one person is not feeling it or tired for example. This method is not sustainable for healthy relationships. If changing the mentality to I want to be with you not just to have sex with you, but it is because I love interacting with you. With having a mentality of genuinely loving to be together it can change the entire mood of a relationship. It has been reported that married couples have more sex in their 40s and 50s than people in their 20sand 30s.

Sex is exciting. Majority of the people in the world are currently sexually active. But how can there be a lead up for couples to have sex? There has to be a element of foreplay, mystery, excitement, desire, or purpose. Every couple is different, but everyone has some form of a lead up. Let's use foreplay first. It is what creates a fun-loving and energetic sequence of events. It can start small by teasing each other, kissing, using safe words, setting a scheduled time, and these small things can help the build up. Making it a more meaningful time of couples spending time together. And then the foreplay starts all over again after making love. It is a continual sexual response cycle. It is hard sometimes to keep it up, but when it is used it can greatly bless the relationship.

As couples are having fun and enjoying their precious times together and building their bond is so powerful. But what most couples do not know is that they are experiencing chemical realizes in the brain Everyone has Neurotransmitters, as described by the Oxford language dictionary by saying, 

  1. "a chemical substance that is released at the end of a nerve fiber by the arrival of a nerve impulse and, by diffusing across the synapse or junction, causes the transfer of the impulse to another nerve fiber, a muscle fiber, or some other structure.".

 Because of these neurotransmitters we experience chemical releases such as Dopamine, Serotonin, and Oxytocin (girls only). Sex is said to feel like a pleasurable sneeze. It happens quick but has many feelings that go into it. We experience each of those feelings with Serotonin the feelings of mood changing occurs to every second as people embrace. With Dopamine the chemical release in the brain of pleasure as reaching a climax.

Thank you to everyone reading this blog, I hope that most of you were able to understand what I was trying to deliver. Sorry I some of the things were uncomfortable for you to read. This is a topic that is taken lightly, but should be talked about more. Because it will help us to be better communicators on this topic to others. Thank you everyone hope to catch you on the flip[ side next week!
