The Problems of Communication

Hey hey everyone! I hope you are all enjoying the amazing week so far. A motto that I have been living by recently is “life is a movie”. Since I have been able to live by it, something exciting has been happening everyday. I can promise you, if you feel like you life is tied down, routined, robotic or fixed, it can change by changing your mentality. It will really happen.
So to recap from last weeks blog, stressors can happen anywhere and at anyplace. But being able to recognize those stressors and creating a plan of action to combat it. This is a force we can not escape, it will always be with us. But it will help us to be grow as people with stress, without it we would not know.
But to bring up another discussion that is very broad and heavily talked about, it is communication. Every single living thing creature communicates in some way, shape or form daily. It is how activities, results, and progress happens. Even if no verbal communication happens, an individual has constant communication with themselves everyday for everyday choices. 
I do not want to be a negative Nancy today. But I will describe negative communications that we do, but how we can change that to make it effectively. 
I was able to grab some data for a common misuse of communication between two people. Which is the offensive and defensive stance for communication. In most situations when one person states an opinion that is not agreeable or critical, another individual will take a defensive move. Meaning that the individual will protect him/herself. But this can lead to sparing words to the first individual. Creating a mess.
Best way to control the situation, remaining calm great start. First need to recognize the individual, even before the confrontation even starts. Watch for the tone of the persons voice, the nonverbal communication, and the choice of words that they will use. How to handle the confrontation is to be remain calm, breathe, and take a couple steps from the speaker/listener technique. The speaker/listener technique is a conversation. The conversation in which both individuals or parities are able to speak and listen to each other freely, without one dominanting over the other. Creating a situation in which you can see what the other individual will do, you can be better prepared to handle the situation. 
Another problem that tends to happen in communication between two people is the lack of emotional communication. No one on this earth can read or understand how another person is feeling without them telling another. But once we are able to express how we feel we can find a peace. But a good chunk of people don’t know how to express it openly or even clearly. One of the first steps is to talk about what you are thinking, whether it is straight or not. It allows you to express a foundation to another person. This creates an open conversation for you to express little by littleof how you can feel. I have been able to practice this when I was with companions from my church mission. And it honestly works, and I am so grateful for it. It has helped me to grow as a more mature person.
Thank you so much for reading my thoughts again. I feel so grateful for this opportunity to share what I believe and know is true. And I’m able to read what everyone else has ideas on, because of how unique we all are. I hope you guys are able to enjoy your time with being you are loved by this weekend! Have a good one!
